2024 Year in Review
As we reflect on the past year, PREL remains deeply committed to our core vision of strong schools, healthy communities, and thriving cultures with Pacific hearts and global minds. This commitment is at the heart of the Board and staff’s work as we strive to enhance community well-being through partnerships in education, and thanks to your collaboration, we have made meaningful strides towards this vision in 2024.
From launching new youth programs to expanding community-school partnerships, it’s been a year of growth, learning, and shared success. As we celebrate the season, we are filled with gratitude for your continued support and look forward to greater opportunities in the year ahead.
Dr. Judith Won Pat
Interim Executive Director, PREL

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PREL in the News
AS Cantor Announces Over $1 Million in Technical Assistance Grants for the Federated States of Micronesia (2024, July 12; US Department of the Interior)
Indigenous Learning Recovery in Pohnpei, FSM (2024, October 16; Pacific Islands Report Visions & Voices)